The Dental Bonding Alternative


If you had an unfortunate accident and got your tooth broken or chipped, don't worry, dental bonding can repair the damage to your tooth without damaging your budget. Dental bonding is a method of reparation used in cosmetic dentistry where a composite material that mimics the color of the tooth is placed on the tooth, molded into shape, cured or hardened by a light, then finally polished. The term bonding refers to the bond that is formed with the tooth. This procedure is suitable for small reparative work in cosmetic dentistry, for instance fixing a fractured tooth, filling in a chip, or closing unaesthetic gaps (diastema) between the front teeth. The method is also utilized as a preferable alternative to amalgam or silver fillings because it has the same color as the enamel of the tooth creating more appeal in the subject of cosmetics.

The first phase is preparing the surface of the tooth for the bonding, a mild phosphoric acid is used to etch or roughen the surface to provide a 'grip' for the bonding material. The acid does not cause any pain nor can it burn the gums. The composite material is then applied on the prepared surface taking extra care that no bubbles get trapped in between, and molded as close to the form of the tooth as possible using a celluloid strip to prevent it from bonding with the adjacent teeth. Everything is held in place, as a hand-held instrument that emits light is pointed directly on the dental composite. This activates the catalyst mixed in the composite thereby making the mixture set or harden. The final phase is the polishing to buff up the texture of the set composite. If you adored this write-up and you would such as to get more facts regarding best dentist in appleton wi kindly go to our web site.

Dental bonding is not as expensive as veneers. The average cost is between 300 to 600 dollars for every tooth. The good news is that a lot of dental insurance plans include the coverage of a large percentage of the procedure, most specifically when it is performed to build up structure by filling a cavity. The process usually affords only a single visit to the dental clinic. The whole thing is done in about 30 to 60 minutes each tooth. The use of anesthetics is typically not required, unless the procedure is used as a remedy for a tooth plagued with decay.


The Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry


In today's quest for beauty and eternal youth cosmetic dentistry is emerging into the forefront. Many patients are choosing to utilize the many different procedures of cosmetic dentistry to improve the look of their smile. While cosmetic dentistry does take into account the treatment of dental problems and even the prevention of dental problems the main focus is on improving the appearance of a patient's smile. While cosmetic dentistry is not a modern day Fountain of Youth there are significant benefits to using cosmetic surgery. A wise consumer will consider the issue from all sides. While it would be imprudent to state there are no drawbacks to cosmetic dentistry as of today most patients report being happy with the outcome of their procedures. The field of cosmetic dentistry has many benefits. Here are just a few-

1. Obviously the biggest benefit to cosmetic dentistry is that it produces results. Patients who just a few years ago may have had to be satisfied with chipped, cracked or broken teeth can now have that fixed. Teeth that have been deeply discolored can be whitened. In fact most types of dental defects can be corrected with cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry can even reduce signs of aging and leave the patient with a more vibrant and youthful appearance. It can also repair dental damage caused by trauma, illness, infection, developmental abnormalities, or heredity.

2. Since cosmetic surgery is so successful it can leave the patient not only with a more attractive physical appearance but an improved psychological outlook as well. Many patients report battling years of low self-esteem that is reversed when these types of dental problems are corrected or covered up. They report being more comfortable not only with themselves but with others they have relationships with. If you loved this informative article and you would like to receive much more information concerning dental implants appleton assure visit the web page.

3. With the exception of patients who live in extreme rural or remote areas cosmetic dentistry is fairly accessible. Unlike other specialties of cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry has become fairly widespread even in smaller urban areas. While many dentists choose to specialize in cosmetic dentistry most of the procedures of cosmetic dentistry are not beyond the scope of general dentists. This leaves the possibility of utilizing cosmetic dentistry much more open to a wider segment of the population.

4. While it would be dishonest to say cosmetic dentistry is cheap the price of many procedures used in cosmetic dentistry is coming down. This enables many more patients to be able to benefit from cosmetic dentistry. In addition many dental insurances are choosing to cover cosmetic dentistry procedures when done to help with structural reasons. Patients considering cosmetic dentistry should check with their insurance company to see if procedures are covered.

5. Cosmetic dentistry has long lasting effects. Unlike many other cosmetic procedures many cosmetic dental procedures can last as long as upwards of 10 years. This is a huge benefit to patients as it limits the amount of money and time that must be committed to maintaining whatever procedure that has been done.

6. The recovery time from cosmetic dentistry is fairly short. Many other cosmetic procedures require a lengthy recovery time and involve a great amount of pain. Most patients using cosmetic dentistry report not only a short recovery time but very little pain in the recovery. In addition the success rate for these procedures is quite high with some studies showing success rates on cosmetic dental procedures up into the 90th percentile.

As with any other medical decision patients should weigh both the pros and cons and then make the decision that is right for them. But the bottom line is dental technology has provided a fast, efficient and relatively cost efficient way to improve our smiles by the use of cosmetic dentistry.